50 Promising Indonesian Universities

50 Promising Indonesian Universities

There are 2,684 Institutions of Higher Education in Indonesia, following the links at the website 50 Private Universities have the credibility of the National and have the desire to be able to work in the International (Sorted by alphabet).

- Ahmad Dahlan University : www.uad.ac.id
- Airlangga University : www.unair.ac.id
- Atma Jaya Catholic University Jakarta : www.atmajaya.ac.id
- Atma Jaya University Yogyakarta : www.uajy.ac.id
- Bandung Polytechnic for Manufacturing : www.polman-bandung.ac.id
- Bandung State Polytechnic : www.polban.ac.id
- Bina Nusantara University : www.binus.ac.id
- Bogor Agricultural University : www.ipb.ac.id
- Bunda Mulia University : www.bundamulia.ac.id
- Diponegoro University : www.undip.ac.id
- Gadjah Mada University : www.ugm.ac.id
- Indonesian Institute of the Arts, Jogja : www.isi.ac.id

- Indonesian Institute of the Arts , Denpasar : www.isi-dps.ac.id
- Indonesian Institute of the Arts , Surakarta : www.stsi-ska.ac.id
- Institut Teknologi Bandung : www.itb.ac.id
- Institute Teknologi Sepuluh November : www.its.ac.id
- Jakarta Institute of the Arts, The : www.ikj.ac.id
- Jember University : www.unej.ac.id
- Jenderal Soedirman University : www.unsoed.ac.id
- Maranatha Christian University : www.maranatha.edu
- Merdeka University – Malang : www.unmer.ac.id
- Muhammadiyah University of Malang : www.umm.ac.id
- Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta : www.ums.ac.id
- Padang State Polytechnic : www.polinpdg.ac.id
- Padang State University : www.unp.ac.id
- Padjadjaran University : www.unpad.ac.id
- Palangkaraya University : www.upr.ac.id
- Pancasila University : www.univpancasila.ac.id
- Parahyangan Catholic University : www.unpar.ac.id
- Pasundan University : www.unpar.ac.id
- Pelita Harapan University : www.uph.ac.id
- Sanata Dharma University : www.usd.ac.id
- Satya Wacana Christian University : www.uksw.edu
- Sebelas Maret University : www.uns.ac.id
- Soegijopranata Catholic University : www.unika.ac.id
- Sriwijaya University : www.unsri.ac.id
- State University of Malang : www.malang.ac.id
- State University of Medan : www.unimed.ac.id
- Supra School of Bussiness and Computer : www.supra.ac.id
- Tadulako University : www.untad.ac.id
- Telkom School of Engineering : www.stttelkom.ac.id
- Udayana University : www.unud.ac.id
- University of 17 Agustus 1945, The : www.untag-sb.ac.id
- University of Bengkulu : www.unib.ac.id
- University of Indonesia : www.ui.ac.id
- University of Mataram : www.unram.ac.id
- University of Surabaya : www.ubaya.ac.id
- Widyagama University of Malang : www.widyagama.ac.id
- Windya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya : www.wima.ac.id
- Yogyakarta State University : www.uny.ac.id

source : http://dikti.go.id/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=140&Itemid=61


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